Sonntag, Oktober 23, 2005


ehi friends!!!

hope everything goes good to you, everywhere you are.
I write to you from Milano, but soon I'll move to Bologna. I've found a very nice small room, in a very nice house in a very nice part of the city, with other four very nice friends. It's should look like very nice, isn't it?
I don't have much time nor attention in this period. It's a strange period. I wanted to let you know that every day, in the morning, I wake up and I go to the kitchen. While waiting for the coffee to come up, I give a look at the newspaper, as also Tim always does. It' a a bit like a ritual, I don't really reed it, I just look at it. "La Repubblica", the last page is the weather previsions, my favourite one. I look under Milano, and then under Berlin. I know every day how it would be like waking up in Berlin. Then I drink the coffee, and the rest of the day changes every time. But the morning, that doens't change!
I send to you a lot of love. Hope to hear from you soon.



Anonymous Anonym said...

You are so sweet Coretta, that you can stir it with your finger if you want your coffee any sweeter ;)
M & E

28. Oktober 2005 um 01:41

Blogger MA said...

hallo sweet sweet coretta!
i give you the weather: here the sky is blue, the sun shines, the trees have many colors and the floor is covered with leaves. beautiful!
there is one thing missing. to enjoy all this with you all.
i am going to take some fotos to show you my new berlin.

kuss kuss.

28. Oktober 2005 um 15:48

Blogger cora said...

waiting for this pictures and for a special day that is everyday closer and closer... you know what I'm talking about!!!
kiss kuss


28. Oktober 2005 um 20:13


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