Ísland farsældar frón
Hola chicos y chicas
I must agree with Cora. This blog isn´t as lively as it should be, and you should take that personally and do something about it! Bastards!
I hope you are all having a ball somewhere and I wish I could be in Portugal at this very moment teaching Jochen, Flo, Lisa, Tim and Manuela how to play beach football and surf properly. Not to mention having my Marta around. But the reality is quite different I´m afraid.
Thought you might apreciate the warmth you´re all basking in by seeing some pictures from Iceland. They were taken in the Northern part of the country one week ago and I almost froze my fingertips off taking some of them. As you can see winter has already dropped by for tea saying: ,,Is that cold enough for you, you arctic perverts. Go south! Global warming is a myth and there is plenty more snow where that came from."
What do I care I´m leaving soon anyway.

you're beauuutiful!
3. Oktober 2005 um 19:08
shit! and i was complaining about the death of the summer three days ago!! I won't complain no more, i swear!
6. Oktober 2005 um 11:41
Der Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.
6. Oktober 2005 um 11:41
was fur ein gross Penis! und so kalt!! ich bin überrascht.
so... darf ich ein paar comments auf Portigiesisch schreiben Herr Sordal?
in Berlin schneiet (snows?) nor nicht. Im Dezember mache ich ein Skulptur für euch. was wollt ihr? ich akzeptiere Suggestionen und, klar, Hilf!!! Wer willt hier kommen?
kuss und tschüss.
21. Oktober 2005 um 19:44
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