Montag, September 12, 2005

milano by night ( + me)

ehi everybody,
why the hell nobody is writing on this blog anymore??? not even comments!!!
miss you. kisses-cora

Mittwoch, September 07, 2005

zusammen am see!

janosch nicola giulio & coretta in Italien, am see!!!

kisses kisses

Sonntag, September 04, 2005

ehi beautiful people!

I write from berlin at the moment.. it´s really beautiful to be here! I had a lot of luck with the weather, it´s always sunny and warm and so good! Also the ecke is alwys warm and the boys really took me under their wings, I feel really at home.
I really miss marta eirik and nicola, a big piece of the ecke is not here, and I think about you always.
I send kisses specially to you. With love
