listing music in a new way ....

i fall in love with a very nice new way.
There is a open community about music out there, (www.)
The simple sing beding is, you download a plugin for your musik-player (or even ipod) from
This sends everysong you listen to your profil. Like mine
This does everybody and so you can find nice connections, new artists, similiar and very different new musik.
And, if it wouldn't be enough they have a great radio. You write a type of music, lets say japan pop, and you have a radio with japan rock and similiar musicians. or an you write an artis, like goldplay, and you listend to artist similar to it.
You just need the player from again.
And the we can see and find nice new music from what we all listend from our new group i set up ...
take the chance...
i am using more the radio at the moment, but that were my last songs ...

ich will auch dabei sein, aber wie?
come and teach me!
12. April 2006 um 19:31
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